dank jewel dank jewel on twitter.com:
@gRegorLove where do you find this generator?

@belovedjustXO I drew it by hand. ;]


Whatcha think, @jdragz? @LateNightToast

Joshua Williams Joshua Williams on twitter.com:
@gRegorLove I think CSZ does something.

@J0shuaW1lliams Yeah, http://www.indyprov.com as well.

Joshua Williams Joshua Williams on twitter.com:
@gRegorLove that sounds really cool. I have thought about doing something like that as well.

@J0shuaW1lliams Do it! Most places will have drop-in classes so you can try one free.

gRegor Morrill gRegor Morrill on gregorlove.com:
a photo of: New hurrcut and west-side Indy

Poster is from naplab: http://cargocollective.com/naplab

a photo of:

New hurrcut and west-side Indy

gRegor Morrill gRegor Morrill on gregorlove.com:
I'm down with the PPAP. https://youtu.be/d9TpRfDdyU0

@jdragz LNT music!

I'm down with the PPAP. https://youtu.be/d9TpRfDdyU0

Predestination was really good. Up there with Primer as far as time travel movies go.

Ricardo Mendes Ricardo Mendes on twitter.com:
@gRegorLove no blank screen on mobile, just a curl error.

@RikMende Oh, odd. Can you post the error in the github issue? It's loading w/o errors for me.

Ricardo Mendes Ricardo Mendes on twitter.com:
@gRegorLove since I moved to @IndieHosters output is different https://t.co/SoJh9Lxgeg+

@RikMende There's been a couple deployments of indiewebify-me since that report. Might close that issue if I can't duplicate it.

Ricardo Mendes Ricardo Mendes on twitter.com:
@gRegorLove since I moved to @IndieHosters output is different https://t.co/SoJh9Lxgeg+

@RikMende Primarily wanted to debug if you're getting a blank screen. The rel-me results should be OK. Note it's picky about www vs non-www.

@rikmende Can you let me know if you still experience this problem and if so, which domain: https://github.com/indieweb/indiewebify-me/issues/48

.@netflix should host debates with all 4 candidates, including @DrJillStein @GovGaryJohnson. Screw the Dem/Rep-run CPD.

@RELEVANTpodcast You should have @Eisley on the show. They have a show in Orlando in October.