Free Comic Book Day! #FCBD

Greg Grunberg Greg Grunberg on
Wait, if #MayThe4th is Star Wars day then wouldn't tomorrow also be #StarWarsDay? RevengeOfTheSixth?

@greggrunberg And/or today: #RevengeOfThe5th

I love the Internet.

Rube Goldberg Machine made from HTML form elements:

Kyle Mahan Kyle Mahan on
@gRegorLove Kristen and I say this ALL THE TIME!

Haha. One of the best episodes.

Happy Cinco de Mayo! #seconddrink cc @indiana_mama

At a nearby skate park there’s some cool graffiti: “Make America Skate Again”

In reply to:

@indiana_mama @GovGaryJohnson is running again. LP convention is end of May so will know their candidate then.

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I'm attending IndieWeb Summit 2016.

Roqayah Chamseddine Roqayah Chamseddine on
Imagine being the kind of person who becomes unhinged because someone isn't wearing a tuxedo at some shitty, try-hard comedy event

@roqchams President jokes about drone murder: OK. But no tux? Too far!

Today is @Mommer’s birthday, so you should go wish her a happy one.

@joyeggerichs I like how Urban Dictionary has a “Buy the mug” link: @RELEVANTpodcast

Hi @kevinmarks. Here's a test note syndicated to Twitter from my site. #iiw

Nic Lake Nic Lake on
Iron Chef America is the worst possible show to eat at 11:30pm when you’re kinda hungry.

@niclake Nic why are you eating a tv show.

@justb3a FYI, your webmention endpoint is showing a PHP fatal error.

Today in All Candidates for President are Awful:

Testing update test #1 with ProcessWire Webmention plugin:

Update Test 1, Part 2

Testing #1-21 with ProcessWire Webmention plugin:

Test 1
Test 2
Test 3
Test 4
Test 5
Test 6
Test 7
Test 8
Test 9
Test 10
Test 11
Test 12
Test 13
Test 14
Test 15
Test 16
Test 17
Test 18
Test 19
Test 20
Test 21

Malcolm Blaney Malcolm Blaney on
SimplePie 1.4

Awesome! Will be updated with the latest downloads as well?

Erin Jo Richey Erin Jo Richey on
Very important thing that I learned about today: boomwhackers. Who wants to start a boomwhacker quintet with me?

I’m mesmerized. Like, how long did it take to master this?