@greggrunberg And/or today: #RevengeOfThe5th
I love the Internet.
Rube Goldberg Machine made from HTML form elements: http://sebastianlyserena.dk
Haha. One of the best episodes.
Happy Cinco de Mayo! #seconddrink cc @indiana_mama
At a nearby skate park there’s some cool graffiti: “Make America Skate Again”
@indiana_mama @GovGaryJohnson is running again. LP convention is end of May so will know their candidate then.
I'm attending IndieWeb Summit 2016.
@roqchams President jokes about drone murder: OK. But no tux? Too far!
New album coming from @starflyer59! http://www.toothandnail.com/news/4743/Starflyler_59_Announces_New_Album_Slow_and_New_Song/
Today is @Mommer’s birthday, so you should go wish her a happy one.
@joyeggerichs I like how Urban Dictionary has a “Buy the mug” link: https://store.urbandictionary.com/products/mug?defid=8073179 @RELEVANTpodcast
Hi @kevinmarks. Here's a test note syndicated to Twitter from my site. #iiw
@niclake Nic why are you eating a tv show.
@justb3a FYI, your webmention endpoint is showing a PHP fatal error.
Today in All Candidates for President are Awful: https://twitter.com/charliearchy/status/724978760865439744
Testing webmention.rocks update test #1 with ProcessWire Webmention plugin: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/webmention/
Testing webmention.rocks #1-21 with ProcessWire Webmention plugin: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/webmention/
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Awesome! Will simplepie.org be updated with the latest downloads as well?
I’m mesmerized. Like, how long did it take to master this?