Sheryl Sheryl on
@gRegorLove @Dutchface You are an old man! ;)

@girlvsplanet Quiet, old woman! ;] @Dutchface

Katherine Katherine on
If you don't love Big Hero 6, you either have not seen it, or you're wrong.

@purekatherine ::fist bump:: badaladaladala

Dutchface Dutchface on
@gRegorLove you know what man, not to bad at all lots of busy things happening my end so life is fun. Hows your side of the pond holding up?

@Dutchface Pretty good overall, though feeling like an old man this weekend due to neck/shoulder pain. #DontGetOld

Dutchface Dutchface on
@gRegorLove I remember you. Hello friend. *waves*

@Dutchface Hello! How are things on the other side of the pond?

@gRegorLove Nice face, gee-regor!

@girlfrmmars Thanks, gee-FM!

It’s been quite a while. Time for a new profile photo.

Ella Dawson Ella Dawson on
@gRegorLove @newsgenius HAHAH

@brosandprose @newsgenius That's one of I don't know how many pedantic grammar-related annotations by them. Oy.

Ella Dawson Ella Dawson on
Now @newsgenius users are comparing not allowing their annotations to book burning:

@brosandprose @newsgenius b-b-but swinelord is offering really important annotations like

@macleaney Um, you will love this, via @MsSwank

In reply to:

@indiana_mama Were these at Scotty's for one of my go-away shindigs?

♫ “Don't speak. I know just what you're saying . . . ”

gRegor Morrill gRegor Morrill on
Solution for binge-watching: watch 1.5 episodes, then 1 episode length at a time. The cliffhangers happen in the middle of each viewing.

This has worked well for Daredevil so far, at least.

Solution for binge-watching: watch 1.5 episodes, then 1 episode length at a time. The cliffhangers happen in the middle of each viewing.

In reply to:

Vouch has been implemented for two CMSes so far in a way that is not very expensive for senders. Referrers are logged and processed to confirm they link to the site. If they do, they’re stored as potential vouch URLs. To select a vouch URL to send with a webmention, check the links on the target page against the domains of the potential vouch URLs. Validation by the receiver is pretty simple, as it should be.

I maintain the ProcessWire Webmention plugin that includes Vouch and run it on my own site. Vouch may not have wide adoption yet, but it has real applications and is not just “crap.”

Johnny Teater Johnny Teater on
@gRegorLove we loved breaking bad! Did not catch the reference though..(I dont think? Lol)

Johnny Teater Johnny Teater on
@gRegorLove we enjoyed it quite a bit as well! You catch the not so hidden adult message?

@johnnyteater I just remembered: did you catch the Breaking Bad references (presuming you’ve seen Breaking Bad)?

Ben Werdmüller Ben Werdmüller on
The target of the Lavabit case was - drumroll please! - Edward Snowden. I mean, duh.

This is my surprised face. :|

Johnny Teater Johnny Teater on
@gRegorLove we enjoyed it quite a bit as well! You catch the not so hidden adult message?

@johnnyteater Totally. Thought it was delivered quite well. Good thing for kids to see.

Zootopia was really, really good. Highly recommended.

Joël Kuiper Joël Kuiper on
@jindrichmynarz @brinxmat yeah I’m struggling with this too … maybe re-invent micro formats?

@JoelKuiper @jindrichmynarz Quite a few of us are self-hosting w/ microformats and syndicating to Twitter. Check out