♕ Suzanne Zaleski ♕ ♕ Suzanne Zaleski ♕ on twitter.com:
These "this or that" images from @teenybiscuit are one of my new favorite things. #AestheticallyPleasing

@MsSwank “Chihuahua or muffin” still cracks me up.

The dummies at the hotel didn’t even lock up their hangers. Free hangers! #freehangers

Katie Kat Katie Kat on twitter.com:
@gRegorLove hmmm you make a good point

@kateemick pizza is almost always my answer to these types of questions.

Katie Kat Katie Kat on twitter.com:
@gRegorLove had it for lunch!

@kateemick so?

Katie Kat Katie Kat on twitter.com:
What should we do for dinner? Maybe nothing? Am I hungry? Help.

@kateemick pizza

Esteñ Americanus Esteñ Americanus on twitter.com:
Currently trying to determine how many code points are unassigned that I can auction off in the Kickstarter to support my Unicode coup

@esten Missed opportunity to call it Unicoup. @FakeUnicode

Fire Tom Friedman Fire Tom Friedman on twitter.com:
Set bad precedent. Now I have to boot @gRegorLove too https://twitter.com/gRegorLove/status/708502171923259393

@firetomfriedman Haha, I forgot I was in this, actually. Surprised I outlasted you.

Fire Tom Friedman Fire Tom Friedman on twitter.com:
Set bad precedent. Now I have to boot @gRegorLove too https://twitter.com/gRegorLove/status/708502171923259393

@firetomfriedman "I'd like to thank the activists in Chicago, my mom, God . . . " ::music plays::

Derek Derek on twitter.com:
fuck, I'm agreeing with Coulter https://twitter.com/AnnCoulter/status/708474731054370816

@AnCapD Well, that's stupid.

Drumpf's Tiny Hand Drumpf's Tiny Hand on twitter.com:
Wait. *Wait.* did I miss something happening between trump and breitbart?

adrienne adrienne on twitter.com:
@gRegorLove it sold out here pretty fast. I saw them in 2009, it was da bomb.

@solarpowerspork Think I saw that same tour in Bloomington. Looks like it’s sold out here too. Ah well.

Andy Phillips Andy Phillips on twitter.com:
Hope they get close to Indy! https://twitter.com/gRegorLove/status/708022155108179969

@gibsonguy_77 Looks like Columbus or Chicago. Road trip! #worthit

GUYS. Flight of the Conchords is touring again this summer! http://www.flightoftheconchords.co.nz/on-tour/

♕ Suzanne Zaleski ♕ ♕ Suzanne Zaleski ♕ on twitter.com:
@gRegorLove what do you put in your oatmeal?

@MsSwank I usually do instant; maple brown sugar or cinnamon roll.

{ Tyler : true } { Tyler : true } on twitter.com:
@girlvsplanet @gRegorLove @MauriceBroaddus Oh neat. I found the gooey, tan slop group.

@thursdayschild I think you mean #BiscuitsandGravyClub

It’s been a while since we talked about oatmeal. I had apple cinnamon this morning. #OatmealClub @girlvsplanet @MauriceBroaddus

Carl Nelson Carl Nelson on twitter.com:
I want to migrate my existing site and blog to an easier to run and manage platform, currently it's Octopress. Happy to change #indieweb

@CarlNelson There’s some options on https://indiewebcamp.com/projects

I wrote a quick-reply bookmarklet for Twitter. It redirects the browser to your specified URL with the tweet’s permalink as a parameter. This should work for selected tweets in your timeline, specific account’s timeline, and even the silly modal-permalinks.

Copy and paste the below as a bookmark, changing http://example.com/endpoint/?url= to your desired endpoint.

Kyle Mahan Kyle Mahan on kylewm.com:
If you can read http://php.net/manual/en/function.array-merge.php and tell whether the input arrays are modified or not, you are smarter than I am.

Heh, they’re not modified. Mostly only know this from experience, not the docs.