@niclake Some of the reasons in that article; mainly how the term dehumanizes. I hear you, but I don’t think the term achieves more justice.
@niclake I hope not. Not because he was just “mentally ill” though. http://blogs.reuters.com/great-debate/2015/06/23/why-the-south-carolina-shooting-suspect-should-not-be-called-a-terrorist/
@dhg Hi, Dave. I wanted to check if you plan to continue developing the Skeleton CSS boilerplate?
@gretchenalice “Let’s go to Candy Mountain, Charrrlie!”
@StuffCCLikes Finally. I’ve been waiting for a church program to teach me survival, business, working out, and fixing cars.
@jdragz Have you seen these? http://zheconceptart.tumblr.com/post/137925985005/art-by-%C3%A1stor-alexander
The really-really equality operator.
@theperfectfoil Is there a Seattle or Portland show on the horizon?
@ComcastCares Can someone with intimate knowledge of the account system help fix this for good?
@ComcastCares Last month I called and supposedly had the issue on my account fixed, but it still persists.
@ComcastCares I've had to chat/call to reset my password for the last six months.
@ComcastCares My username is associated with a past account# and each month I have to reset my password.
@jack Yeah, how do we turn off this “feature”?
algorithm pretty twitter This great is new.
Absolutely. I’ve heard libertarians on this issue for ages.
Happy birthday to one cool lady, @sarah5! #zoomzoomzoom
Started playing The Witness last night. Really gorgeous puzzle game. https://youtu.be/9ytwNUMdbcE
@jdragz Buuuut finally getting the rest of Mad Men. And Better Call Saul.
@carahfaye Is there a release date for your solo album?