Jack Jack on twitter.com:
Look at "while you were away" at the top of your TL. Tweets you missed from people you follow. Pull to refresh to go back to real-time.

@jack Yeah, how do we turn off this “feature”?

algorithm pretty twitter This great is new.

Ben Werdmüller Ben Werdmüller on werd.io:
Curious to know if the small government folks will still be small government on this. http://www.occupydemocrats.com/pres-obama-calls-for-ending-taxpayer-funded-sports-stadiums/

Absolutely. I’ve heard libertarians on this issue for ages.

Happy birthday to one cool lady, @sarah5! #zoomzoomzoom

Started playing The Witness last night. Really gorgeous puzzle game. https://youtu.be/9ytwNUMdbcE

In reply to: https://twitter.com/jdragz/status/691787343204872192

@jdragz Buuuut finally getting the rest of Mad Men. And Better Call Saul.

@carahfaye Is there a release date for your solo album?

Gretchen Alice Gretchen Alice on twitter.com:
@gRegorLove I stopped around the end of Eleven. I grew weary of Moffat and his nonsense, but now that he's leaving...

@gretchenalice Fair. I liked Twelve’s first season and have heard his second season is great. Hope the change will be good.

John Orr John Orr on twitter.com:
@gRegorLove Thanks for following my inane ramblings all these years =)

@TheLastDomino jk. Thanks for following me and making cool music.

John Orr John Orr on twitter.com:
@gRegorLove Thanks for following my inane ramblings all these years =)

@TheLastDomino Who dis? New Twitter.

Shane Becker Shane Becker on veganstraightedge.com:
Tonight's dinner: #tacocleanse. @ Beverly Hills, California

@veganstraightedge: This is the CSS that's showing up as plain text in Woodwind.

Gretchen Alice Gretchen Alice on twitter.com:
Oh, good, I can start watching Doctor Who again.

@gretchenalice Why/when did you stop?

In reply to: https://twitter.com/phototypical/status/690635794424270848

@phototypical Yep. Planning to go skiing soon.

♕ Suzanne Zaleski ♕ ♕ Suzanne Zaleski ♕ on twitter.com:
@gRegorLove pssh. I'll gladly trade you ANY day.

@MsSwank I just want *some* snow. Gray and rainy gets depressing after a while.

Snow back east and drizzly rain here. No fair.

Kyle Kyle on kylewm.com:
Moving kylewm.com to Known #indieweb

A-ha. Your recent Known work makes more sense now. Congratulations and welcome to PHP-land.

.@PinkMartiniBand tonight!

Rachelskirts Rachelskirts on twitter.com:
I have been caked by two brands, a dictionary, and a dog today on Peach, so I think I’ve reached peak Internet.

@Rachelskirts I have no idea what this means so I may have reached too old for internet.

@jdragz @indiana_mama @girlvsplanet Hey guys, I finally watched the full 200lander trailer.

gRegor Morrill gRegor Morrill on gregorlove.com:
Happy birthday to me. cc @indiana_mama

I got The Cuckoo’s Calling too.