@indiana_mama Heh hehe hehe heh
@indiana_mama “He sees you when you’re sleeping . . . ladies.”
@phototypical I knew this would be your answer. :] You’re also the third to respond with it.
@Skirts Good jorb! I’ll whittle you a little trophy.
Star Destroyer Christmas tree. Awesome. http://www.cosmodrome.org/home/this-years-imperial-christmas-tree
@mikearchy Most would be satisfied with shattered CDs. Hipster. ;]
Lately my favorite has been Scala & Kolacny Brothers, December.
I thought this might be a joke based on the cover, but it’s pretty good. Thanks!
As usual, I’m making the important wiki pages. https://indiewebcamp.com/vague
What’s your favorite Christmas album?
@indiana_mama So far much better, tanks.
If you're looking for a good Christmas movie with Martin Freeman (who isn't?), I highly recommend Nativity!
@clohnart Oh, nope. No kids.
@clohnart Oh sure, play the “you don’t *know* stress” card. ;]
Yes, animal pictures (smug or not) always help.
@Jen_Face Cuuute. Yours?
@jdragz We need some GIFs in here, stat!
I like it!
Feeling seriously stressed today. :/
Alternate caption: Stop outsourcing our jobs!