New IndieAuth Client PHP Release

Version 1.1.6 of the IndieAuth Client library for PHP is released! This update adds support for IndieAuth Server Metadata and additional endpoint discovery methods as part of the 2022-02-12 version of the IndieAuth specification. It is backwards compatible with sites that do not yet support the metadata endpoint.

I will be updating indiebookclub in the next few days to use this version. In my testing with it so far, everything has worked smoothly. I look forward to other IndieAuth implementations updating as well.

Friday night concert at home: Justice’s, IRIS: A Space Opera. Amazing light show so far and a good pick-me-up after a blah week. Warning: lots of strobing lights.


Biden needs to appoint someone who understands and will say “Wear a respirator indoors” in response to RESPIRATORY viruses. This is just ridiculous.

I’m several years behind, but I finally finished The Adventure Zone: Balance. Great story. Definitely hit the feels at the end.

Small things I enjoy: every week or two, someone rides a motorcycle through my neighborhood blasting Cher’s “Believe.”

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Add img srcset parsing

Parse img.srcset per parsing issue #7. MicroMicro now supports this, so once we have 2+ implementations and rough consensus, we can update the parsing specification.

“the pandemic is over.” Wrong. It is important to understand the meaning of these words.

endemic: the constant presence and/or usual prevalence of a disease or infectious agent in a population within a geographic area.

epidemic: rapid spread of disease cases in a specific geographical area.

pandemic: an epidemic occurring worldwide, or over a very wide area, crossing international boundaries and usually affecting a large number of people.

COVID is clearly not endemic due to its continued high prevalence. It is not limited to a specific geographical area and is occurring globally. Thus it is a pandemic. Do not confuse the dropping of public health mitigations like wearing a well-fitting respirator indoors with “the pandemic is over.”

Source: Lesson 1: Introduction to Epidemiology (CDC)

light up sign for 'pizza' with the 'a' not lit

Something tastes off about this pizza but I can’t quite put my finger on it.

I’m attending Homebrew Website Club - Pacific September 14, 2022 at 6PM Pacific.

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This is one way of several based on the authorship spec ( The p-author h-card inside the h-feed might make the most sense in your case, but you could also have a u-author property inside each h-entry that links to a page that has your author h-card. I do this with my posts, with an invisible link to my homepage.

Currently reading: Stories of Your Life and Others by Ted Chiang (ISBN 9781931520898)


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Understood, but the error message sounds like it found "post-type" or "article" mf2 properties and doesn’t know how to handle them since they’re not part of h-entry. A small change in the error message will probably make it more clear.

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Uninterpreted properties errors

A couple issues I noticed on

  1. Uninterpreted h-card properties: nickname
  2. Uninterpreted h-entry properties: post-type article

On the second one I’m not sure what it’s finding. My posts don’t have microformats properties "post-type" or "article." If it doesn’t understand how to process articles, the error message could be clarified so it doesn’t sound like an issue in the published post.

Finished reading: Broken (in the best possible way) by Jenny Lawson (ISBN 9781250077059)

I’m attending Homebrew Website Club - Pacific August 31, 2022 at 6PM Pacific.

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Thanks, David. I try to remind myself it won’t always be like this.

Aside: I’m getting an https error on your site currently.

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Thanks, Jamie. I appreciate the encouragement. I probably should explore more hobbies because most of the time I’m escaping through TV or games. I do enjoy jigsaws and LEGO is always fun!

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Sounds like they need their safe plates.

I'll see myself out.

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I'm sure the @Delta CEO will get that down to 5 days.