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By the way, are you using the PW2 or PW3 version of the Webmention plugin? I'm still on PW2 myself but will likely switch to PW3 in the coming months. I plan to support both versions for a while, but since most new people will be on PW3 I'll feel more comfortable once I'm running that on my own site as well.

8pm is kinda late so I will have PESOS dinner beforehand. Look forward to seeing everyone at the IndieWebCamp West Pre-party, though!

Bookmarked: fmPDA

“fmPDA is a set of PHP classes for FileMaker's Data and Admin API. The special sauce, the fmPDA class: a replacement for FileMaker's API For PHP 'FileMaker' class, using the Data API. fmPDA provides method & data structure compatibility with FileMaker's API For PHP.”

I’m looking forward to the virtual IndieWebCamp West this weekend. You should join us if you’re interested in creating or updating your personal site and advancing the independent web. It’s free!

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This is fantastic. Congratulations!

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Or would Bonhoeffer find believers earnestly spreading anti-Semitic conspiracy theories such as “cultural Marxism”?

I’m attending IndieWebCamp West 2020.

I’m hanging out on Beatsense playing some music if anyone wants to join in: cc @girlvsplanet @jdragz @spiffiness03

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That’s an interesting approach to add the Bridgy Publish webmention. I’m glad it’s working well for you.

My approach is still part of the template files. I just reviewed it and it’s fairly simple, so I’m comfortable sharing it. Here is a gist. Let me know if you have any questions.

I’m excited to see more ProcessWire sites with webmention. I’ve not heard from a lot of people using the module yet. I’m definitely interested in improving the indieweb experience on ProcessWire. Bridgy Publish is an area that I have not worked on yet, partly because people can have templates set up a variety of ways and I’m not sure how to make a plugin that works with different setups.

By the way, we’ve been having weekly virtual indieweb meetups if you’d like to join. I think the closest timezone would be the London meetup. Check out for upcoming events. We have an active community chat as well:

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I’ve used a variety of approaches over the years, from manual to semi-automatic. Here’s some different things I’ve done:

Initially I would publish a note, then use the interactive Bridgy Publish form from my account page. Your account page is Paste the URL of your note there, choose the options whether you want your original link appended to the tweet, then preview it. If it looks good, publish it. I then would copy the tweet’s URL and add it on my original note as a syndication link. See below on this note for an example of that syndication link.

After I did that for a while and it was working smoothly, I started to automate it more. Bridgy Publish lets you send a webmention to trigger the publish. I set up a custom bit of PHP code that would let me click a button to send off that webmention for the note I wanted to publish. Sending a webmention is a pretty simple POST request, so I used the WireHTTP class for that. When publishing to Twitter, the successful Bridgy response includes the Twitter API data for the tweet. I wrote some more code that processes that response to get the tweet’s URL and updates the syndication link on the note.

Note that all of this is separate from the Webmention plugin itself. The code for my semi-automatic publishing isn’t part of a plugin and isn’t very polished code, so I haven’t released any of it. If I can find a way to make it more user-friendly, I might release it, or at least write a tutorial with more guidance. is a useful tool to debug the microformats in your posts, by the way. Here’s the parsed result of this very note. The in-reply-to property is what Bridgy Publish uses to post a reply tweet. The syndication property is one way Bridgy maps your original post to the Twitter copy for sending responses back to you — particularly if you don’t include your original post link in the tweet.

I am proposing a session for IndieWebCamp West Coast: “Keeping Track of Books and Reading Progress.”

I would like to discuss the use-cases and experiences of using our websites to:

  1. track books we want to read
  2. categorize (or “shelve”) books
  3. track reading progress

Most of my personal experience has been around tracking books I want to read. It is probably more accurate to classify those as want posts instead of read posts. I’d like to discuss the differences between these three types of posts and what they look like on our sites. Regarding categorizing books, we should also discuss Library JSON.

This session is broader than indiebookclub but will likely have an impact on it. indiebookclub creates posts with a status of to-read, reading, or finished. The first is probably a want post and the others seem to be reading progress posts.

@sonicrocketman: I noticed I wasn’t seeing your feed in Monocle. It looks like your jsonfeed doesn’t validate:

I subscribed to your microformats feed and that’s working smoothly!

In reply to: still exists. If you use it, please don't have it auto-tweet them though. XD

Want to read: How to Be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi (ISBN 9780525509288)

via Episode 229 - White Homework with Tori Williams Douglass

selfie while laying on the couch with my arm behind my head

Felt cute, might quarantine later