Ricky Potts Ricky Potts on twitter.com:
Where did people in Naples learn how to drive? Ugh.

Probably from their Italian parents or driver’s education teacher.

Candace M. Slutero Candace M. Slutero on twitter.com:
@gRegorLove Whoa awesome. If you’re ever in Bakersfield for whatever godforsaken reason, hit me up

Totally! Likewise if you’re ever down here. What have you been up to the last... 7 years?

♫ Danger, “11:02” https://youtu.be/5QIMhpOD_v0

Cinematic, apocalyptic. Loving the album: 太鼓

Candace M. Slutero Candace M. Slutero on twitter.com:
@gRegorLove Yo where u at

Yo san diego

I’m a legal Californian now!

Currently reading: A Wrinkle in Time

Khürt Williams Khürt Williams on islandinthenet.com:
Manually adding microfomats markup.

Publishing read posts is still pretty new, so there's a lot of experimenting and some more manual steps currently. That's definitely not the end goal, though. We want it to be as simple as possible for everyone to use, but we have to start somewhere.

If you haven't seen it yet, Quill is an app that makes it easy to publish different types of posts to your site without manually writing any microformats. Earlier this year I made some progress on adding read posts to Quill, but ran into some issues that needed to be solved in the microformats first (I was getting a bit ahead of myself). Publishing manually for a while helps us iron things out, try new things more easily, and catch issues.

cc http://boffosocko.com/2017/12/11/an-update-to-read-posts-for-physical-books/

Chris Aldrich Chris Aldrich on boffosocko.com:
An update to read posts for physical books

Just a note: I did not actually get around to changing the Quill micropub request. I only updated the microformats on some read posts. I will do it manually for a little bit longer just to see if any other issues pop up, then I will add it to Quill.

For the p-read-status, what do you think about these machine-readable values to start: to-read, reading, finished? want-to-read seems verbose to me for a machine-readable value.

In reply to: https://2018.indieweb.org/baltimore

I’m attending “IndieWebCamp Baltimore 2018”

Lowry Garuhtahz Lowry Garuhtahz on twitter.com:
@gRegorLove I would never put that in a profile! How do you like the app? Not creepy?

But if you mean putting your name in there, yeah, I can definitely understand why women might not want to. :/

I use the site instead of the app, but overall it has been a good experience. Nothing really creepy.

Lowry Garuhtahz Lowry Garuhtahz on twitter.com:
@gRegorLove I would never put that in a profile! How do you like the app? Not creepy?

I’d hope not, since your name isn’t Gregor!

gRegor Morrill gRegor Morrill on gregorlove.com:
My project for today's IndieWebCamp Austin was initially to update my fork of Quill for posting read posts.

want-to-read may be unnecessarily verbose for the machine-readable value. Maybe it should just be to-read.

My project for today's IndieWebCamp Austin was initially to update my fork of Quill for posting read posts.

I started by getting my fork of Quill updated. As I was working through some questions about how to include the action being taken on the book (“want to read,” “currently reading,” “finished reading,” etc.), Aaron helped me realize I was working a bit backwards and should start by publishing microformats properties that indicate the status.

I updated a recent read post to include microformats property p-read-status with a value of “to-read.” I will continue experimenting with other values for that property. I am thinking “reading” for currently reading and “finished” for finished reading, but I don’t have any of those published yet.

I also added property p-read-of on the h-cite. This causes the cited work to show up as a property of the h-entry when it’s parsed, not just as a child object.

Props to Aaron for helping get me on the right track for this!

Previously: https://gregorlove.com/2017/11/martijn-asked-if-i-had/

I am currently safe during the Lilac Fire. I had some family inquire, so thought I’d post this in case anyone else wondered. San Diego county is big and the fires are ~45 miles north of me.

More: http://www.fire.ca.gov/current_incidents/incidentdetails/Index/1928

Marty McGuire Marty McGuire on martymcgui.re:
★ Favorited https://indieweb.org/like

I, like, see what you did there

Danielle Evans Danielle Evans on twitter.com:
@gRegorLove Hold fast for The One™️, they’ll laugh but probably be an axe murderer.

I mean, several *have* gotten it and it does make me swoon a little.

Marrying an axe murderer worked out okay for Mike Myers.