2018-06-10 update: This information is no longer current. Refer to my newer notes and indiebookclub.

Martijn asked if I had documented the micropub request I make for read posts. I had not yet, so decided to make some quick notes while it's fresh in my mind.

Currently, it sends an h-cite object with properties: status, url, name, author, and isbn.

Each of these properties is optional. If nothing is entered in the field in Quill, the property is not sent in the request.

The h-cite object also has a content property which has an html key. The value of that key is the HTML for the citation. This serves as a fallback in case the site does not process the micropub h-cite object directly. For example, my own site displays this since I do not yet process the h-cite object.

Finally, the h-cite object has a summary property, which is a plain text version of the content property.

Unfortunately, I have not been actively using this on my own site. This is in part because I'm still getting used to the idea of using a micropub client to post to my site instead of using the posting interface directly on my site. I am still interested in developing it further, though. I think once it can pull up a list of the user's books, I will find myself using it more.

Want to read: Artemis

Nicole Stover Nicole Stover on twitter.com:
@gRegorLove Would you explain how to do this? I want to re-rip my CDs then toss but feel overwhelmed. Things get technical (for me) fast!

Sure, I'll probably work on a blog post. If you want lossless (CD quality) it can be tricky initial setup, but then it's just the time of ripping each album.

I set up Exact Audio Copy to rip CDs to FLAC. There's a lot of options so it's a bit complicated to set up. I found this guide on a forum but the screenshots were members-only. I checked on the Internet Archive and found an earlier version with the screenshots embedded. I decided to make a text version with the screenshot information for my own future reference and perhaps others.

Original by forum user caaok: https://filesharingtalk.com/threads/435208-Installing-configuring-and-ripping-with-Exact-Audio-Copy-%28EAC%29
Internet Archive: http://web.archive.org/web/20140318010539/http://filesharingtalk.com:80/threads/435208-Installing-configuring-and-ripping-with-Exact-Audio-Copy-(EAC)

Quoted sections below come from the original forum post.

EAC Options

- Extraction tab:
☑ Fill up missing offset samples with silence
☑ Synchronize between tracks
☑ Error recovery quality: High

- General tab:
☑ Use Alternate CD play routines
☑ Disable CD Autostart
☑ On unknown CDs - automatically access online metadata database
☐ Show status dialog after extraction
☑ Create log files always in English language

- General tab:
☑ Create m3u playlist on extraction
☑ Write m3u playlist with extended information
☑ Automatically write status report after extraction
☑ Append checksum to status report
☑ On extraction, start external compressors queued in the background
☐ Activate beginner mode, disable all advanced features

If your drive is capable of reading UPC/ISRC codes and CD-Text (you can only really figure this out by trial and error), you're welcome to keep the top two options checked. Otherwise, uncheck them.

Other than that, these settings are pretty much ideal. I wouldn't recommend using more than 1 compressor thread even if you have a multicore computer. It doesn't take very long compared to the track extraction anyway. Note that in tests run by punkmeup, disabling the queue of external compressors in the background fixed an issue where EAC was generating WAV files instead of FLAC, so I've made that a required option. It should have no bearing on the rip quality. If rip queueing works for you (it does for me), feel free to leave it enabled.

- Normalize tab:
☐ Normalize

Friends don't let friends normalize their EAC rips. Don't ever do it. It will instantly be given a 0% by the logchecker.

- Filename tab:
☑ Naming Convention : %tracknr2% - %title%
☑ Use Various Artists Naming Scheme (%tracknr2% - %artist% - %title%)

Don't replace spaces by underscores. It looks ridiculous.

Drive Options

- Extraction Method tab:
☑ Secure mode with following drive features (recommended)
☑ Drive has Accurate Stream feature
☑ Drive caches audio data

Start by hitting "Detect Read Features...". This will actually take a few minutes. The only feature detection that actually matters is Accurate Stream. If your drive can use it, checkmark the setting (most modern drives have Accurate Stream). If it can't, don't.

Even if your drive doesn't cache audio, just do us a favour and leave that checked. Not only will it stop you from having to have each of your uploads rescored by hand, but it doesn't affect the audio quality at all. Yes, the rips take a bit longer with that setting enabled. Go watch TV or something while you wait.

Do not use C2, even if EAC thinks you can. Most drives have terrible C2 error implementation.

- Drive tab:

Hit "Autodetect read command now". It shouldn't take long. Leave everything else unchecked unless you're having problems. You can checkmark "CD-Text Read capable drive" if you want to test whether your drive can do it. If it can, great, otherwise, uncheck it. It's unlikely you'll ever use that feature anyway.

- Offset / Speed tab:

If you did the AccurateRip configuration at the start of this guide, the top half here will be greyed out. If not, you'll need to find your read offset correction from this list. Don't use a combined read/write offset.

If you want to figure out whether your drive needs "Overread into Lead-in and Lead-Out" checked, you can check by temporarily unchecking "Use AccurateRip with this drive". Stick a CD in the drive and hit "Detect read sample offset correction...". If you're just doing this for the Overread, see below:

Remember to check "Use AccurateRip with this drive" again once you're finished. AccurateRip is always a good idea.

- Gap Detection tab:
☑ Detection method A
☑ Detection accuracy: secure

Pretty much every drive should work with the settings shown. If yours stalls on detecting gaps or detects gaps that are obviously wrong (like 30 second gaps on a non-live album), try Detection method B or C. If A, B, and C all fail, you can switch "Secure" to "Accurate" and try again.

Metadata Options

- freedb tab:
☑ Email address (can be fake)
☑ On connection error, retry query using a different server from the server list

Compression Options

- External Compression tab:
☑ Use external program for compression
☑ User-defined encoder - extension .flac
☑ Delete WAV after compression
☑ Check for external programs return code

The commandline parameters have changed in this version, so this will look new to most of you. The commandline recommended for optimal completeness is this:

-8 -V -T "ARTIST=%artist%" -T "TITLE=%title%" -T "ALBUM=%albumtitle%" -T "DATE=%year%" -T "TRACKNUMBER=%tracknr%" -T "GENRE=%genre%" -T "PERFORMER=%albuminterpret%" -T "COMPOSER=%composer%" %haslyrics%--tag-from-file=LYRICS="%lyricsfile%"%haslyrics% -T "ALBUMARTIST=%albumartist%" -T "DISCNUMBER=%cdnumber%" -T "TOTALDISCS=%totalcds%" -T "TOTALTRACKS=%numtracks%" -T "COMMENT=%comment%" %source% -o %dest%

It takes no extra effort on your part, just copy and paste that into the additional commandline options and you're done.

- ID3 Tag tab:
☑ Write cover image into extraction folder
☐ (all others)

Optionally click Save to save the profile, but it will be used as the default.

Ripping Process (Action Menu)

- Ensure "Append gaps to previous track (default)" is checked
- Detect Gaps
- Create CUE Sheet > Multiple WAV files With Gaps (Noncompliant)
- Test & Copy Selected Tracks > Compressed

So you're done! You may wish to use a logchecker to check and make sure your rip is proper, but if you followed this guide, the only possible errors would be with the CD itself. It does happen... some CDs are too badly damaged, even for EAC. Your best bet is to clean the CD and try again.

Other than that, it never hurts to make sure your files are tagged and named properly (though they should be). Any extra stuff you want to include should be added now as well... Additional artwork, an md5 fingerprint, an info.txt file, that sort of thing.

Just discovering @SunsetBlood via the new album, Midnight Signals. Good stuff. Check it out: https://starcadian.bandcamp.com/album/midnight-signals

RELEVANT Podcast RELEVANT Podcast on twitter.com:
This week, the indie-pop outfit @thebandjoseph joins us, and we talk with Katie Davis Majors (@katieinuganda) about the life-changing decision to move to Uganda and launching @amazima ministries. https://relevantmagazine.com/podcast/episode-576-joseph-and-katie-davis-majors/

It would be pretty cool to have magnetic fingers. Think: climbing the Statue of Liberty . . . on the outside.

Having a tail would only be cool if it meant you could also fly like Miles “Tails” Prower from Sonic the Hedgehog.

@RELEVANTpodcast Okay, the Bearded Gospel Men commercial is one of the weirdest I've heard on the show.

Also, on first listen I heard, “is there a connection between hairiness and horniness?”

Wow. @PNCBank’s secure messaging through their site does not allow characters: < > \ ' " % ; ( ) & +

That’s uh, some bad security if you can't even sanitize these basic characters.

Mark Klaus Mark Klaus on twitter.com:
@purekatherine See, that's not true. I have gotten involved. Since becoming aware of this I've sat my son down and… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/929123085705412609

Recommend researching the "not all men" trope and not participating in it anymore (however you phrase it).

Oh hai guys, hah hah. I just saw The Room with a theater full of people. Plastic spoons were thrown, funny things were yelled. Definitely one of the best ways to see it.

In reply to: https://www.meetup.com/SoCalALN/events/244829467/

I’m attending “Free Screening of The Room

In reply to: https://www.meetup.com/sdbloggers/events/243122076/

I went to the “SD Bloggers Fall Meet Up at North Park Beer Co”

Partying like it’s 2007 and ripping audio CDs. To FLAC this time, though.

Sarah Ruth Sarah Ruth on twitter.com:
their is so much to learn and so little time........... I am trying to cram it all.

That's what she said

Facebook showing memories of bonfires at the house we'll no longer be able to have bonfires is kind of a bummer.

Shaun Shaun on twitter.com:
10k people liked the tweet where pjw blocked me, &amp; i'm kinda down because that means 10k people know enough about p… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/928133771135782912

But think about 10k people laughing at pjw

I'm a few episodes in and the Citations Needed podcast has been really good. Recommended episodes:

Ableism and the Ethics of Calling Trump ‘Crazy’

The Media’s Default Setting of White Supremacy