@indiana_mama I got you as an owl in #StarbucksForLife
Amaaaaazing episode. We need to make this @carmantv and @ChandlerStrang series a reality. And make @anniefdowns a regular!
I liked @rechelon's post on that: http://humaniterations.net/2017/12/19/so-were-just-abolishing-worldbuilding-then
I was initially going to send it to just boffosocko.com but I was looking at the parsed microformats of your poke and saw your author h-card listed that URL.
Want to read: Rest in Power: The Enduring Life of Trayvon Martin
I was mid-conversation with someone yesterday when I noticed their profile name changed to a first name.
This is a dangerous thing to spring on your users without warning them first, @okcupid.
Yes, Candy Talk is back!
The Christmas story as told by kids under eleven and acted out by adults: https://vimeo.com/247716930
I've seen a couple of these over the years. Never gets old. XD
There were 5 incidents of property damage (broken windows). They're trying to charge all 200 with rioting charges based on their proximity. It's bullshit.
https://vimeo.com/241199392 and follow @defendj20, @UR_Ninja, and the hashtag #DefendJ20
This trial was 6 of the 200 defendants. 194 to go, but this verdict is promising. #DefendJ20
#DefendJ20 jury verdict incoming. Please please acquit.
I think SCC would definitely have a tape and it would be titled The Great Adventure.
Hello, have a webmention! :]
And by 2017-01-07, I mean 2018-01-07.
#wibblywobbly #timeywimey
My #newwwyear resolution for gRegorLove.com:
1) Starting today
2) I’m going to work on an improved, wider layout for photo posts and photo gallery pages
3) Before 2017-01-07
Props to @jensimmons for the motivation!
401 Unauthorized responses on sandbox
This is a PayPal support post I wrote:
I have set up the Express Checkout with checkout.js per https://developer.paypal.com/docs/integration/direct/express-checkout/integration-jsv4/add-paypal-button/ (and subsequent pages). I am testing with credit card transactions and consistently getting a 401 Unauthorized response.
For example:
POST https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/webapps/hermes/api/payment/PAY-1EE13341N03083707LI5NGIY/execute 401 Unauthorized {"ack":"permission_denied","message":"Permission Denied"}
I've seen REST API documentation saying that payment_method should be set to "paypal" though no corollary documentation/examples for this checkout.js method. Looking in the rest.js source on https://github.com/paypal/paypal-checkout, it appears payment_method defaults to "paypal" anyway.
I've tried rotating the random credit card numbers I'm using for testing to no avail. Yesterday, very intermittently, I would sometimes get a 401 Unauthorized followed by a retry that then worked. Most of the time I was getting 401 followed by 400. Today I haven't been able to get any successful card transactions, always getting 401.
The payment Javascript is really basic and yes, the sandbox clientID and production clientID are set correctly in the script:
var tx_total = 100; var tx_description = 'Test transaction'; paypal.Button.render({ env: 'sandbox', client: { sandbox: '[redacted]', production: '[redacted]' }, style: { label: 'buynow', branding: true, size: 'medium' }, commit: true, payment: function(data, actions) { return actions.payment.create({ payment: { intent: 'sale', transactions: [ { amount: { total: tx_total, currency: 'USD' }, description: tx_description } ] } }); } // onAuthorize code redacted }, '#paypal-button');
This is under a client's PayPal account, not mine, by the way.