Note: Homebrew Website Club is moved to Native Foods Cafe tonight: @kartik_prabhu @pitchdesign @dentonjacobs
@kartik_prabhu @pitchdesign @dentonjacobs Also, sorry I was not very on top of this, this week.
@kartik_prabhu @pitchdesign @dentonjacobs Need to change venues for Homebrew Website Club tonight. How about Native Foods Cafe on Milwaukee?
@Skirts Ooh, gold-plated tweets. Fancy.
@ThatMissKitty I guess worse things happen at sea.
@Skirts Whoa. Did you use "the trilogy" NOT in reference to LOTR?
@ThatMissKitty I like the new profile photo. Whatcha sellin' there, though?
@ThatMissKitty Heart-shaped cake?
Quite! I'm still surprised. Guess it just sits under the skin and they reconnect the leads to it. Boom.
Pacemaker replacement is scheduled for 10/27. It's outpatient surgery and is 4-5 hours from walk-in to Iron Man. Er, walk-out.
Great interview with @TheQuinnspiracy on standing up against harassment and the evolution of gaming.
Go @Raspberry_Pi!
I think the distinction is that it's two separate passphrases. It's not a matter of brute forcing an n+6 length passphrase (n being the length of your passphrase), but brute forcing a passphrase of length n, then brute forcing a 6 digit number. Both have to happen within 30 seconds. I'm not sure on the actual math to compare the complexities of these two, though. :]
@girlvsplanet Pshh. Pretty sure we're both old now. :]
Happy birthday, @girlvsplanet!
@aaronpk Stop looking at Twitter and IRC. Finish those #indieweb slides! :]
No, it's about ETHICS, Charlie Brown. #RejectedPeanutsSpecials
@TheQuinnspiracy Did you see this about the Eliza chat bot? I'm still cracking up.