@caesarwiki Bully for you. Try phrasing it as a question, and not *after* being a jerk, telling someone their work "isn't a game."
@caesarwiki 1) That's a silly "point." Game dev is comprised of many parts. 2) Work better at making "points" without petty insults.
@caesarwiki "I wonder how much of the game you actually made." is not question. It's an insulting insinuation.
@caesarwiki And you pass it off like you "just asked a question" when you didn't. I probe and get something about "someone else said..."
@caesarwiki Totally. You've insulted someone's work by insinuating it is child's play and implied they didn't even work on something.
@caesarwiki Good job avoiding those petty insults. @enamelanimal @JeffreyATW
@caesarwiki See my previous tweet asking for the link?
@caesarwiki Link? I'm not seeing this interaction.
@caesarwiki Haven't seen a single question from you to Zoe, just insinuations. "I wonder how much you made" "could do nothing and get an A"
@SweeneySays Congratulations! It's gorgeous out there.
@indiana_mama Haha. Good times.
Already handled with @BarclaycardUS. Good job on the quick notification and handling of sending a new card.
Wee, my first credit card defrauding. $640 swiped in Indy today. I still have the card, meaning someone created a fake card with my account.
.@sarah5 is awesome.
I know it's a Buzzfeed link, but still click it: http://www.buzzfeed.com/sarahrodgersw/princess-leia-gets-chemo-13z9d
@niclake ::sips coffee::
Tell me more.
Actually, it's about ethics in coffee consumption.
Idea: overtake 8chan's goobergate board /gg/ with Gilmore Girls posts.
@purekatherine Haha, awesome!
I wonder what @purekatherine thinks of this mashup https://soundcloud.com/pomdeterrific/pomdeter-call-me-a-hole
@nrrrdcore Happy birthday! I wasn't sure if this was on your list or not: http://cdn.newadnetwork.com/sites/prod/files/uploads/Marie-Jane/male-tears.gif