@indiana_mama Yep. Might see you Saturday if you guys can make it.
@allisondipity @Hallmark specniqical?
@indiana_mama Yep!!oneeleven
@jdragz We'll talk. I do want to do something in the new year...
@jdragz LNT: politics edition! :]
If [general someone's] response is "what about X lives?" that indicates more about their empathy than the original topic.
@jdragz My main thing is trying not to deflect the very real anger and hurt people experience. All lives matter does that, despite intent.
@jdragz White noise, quite literally. http://www.hiyoooo.com/
@jdragz (Angry at the existence of it, not you. :)
@jdragz That makes me angry, actually. Police lives are far from undervalued.
@jdragz Eh. #BlackLivesMatter > #PoliceLivesMatter. The latter is a petulant response / misunderstanding to the former.
@jdragz Nobody denies this. This actually diminishes the lived experiences behind #BlackLivesMatter. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/julia-craven/please-stop-telling-me-th_b_6223072.html
@tomfromhr Don't be re-deek-you-luss. JAM forever.
@J0shuaW1lliams HELLO!
@tomfromhr I . . . hate to be the one to tell you, but Pawnee is . . . fictional.
@macleaney Reminder to tweet. :]
@ThatMissKitty What dates are you in Chicago?
Hello, Indiana.
Workin' on my night code (and cheese).
"Did you hear Rob Bell has a new TV show?"
"Yeah, it's called Saved by the Bell." ā@relevantpodcast @realrobbell