@girlfrmmars Thanks, gee-FM!
XXXVI. Dang.
@girlvsplanet Thanks!
@sweeneysays To the tune of “I'm on a Boat.”
Glad you made it. Merry Christmas!
@girlvsplanet https://isitchristmas.com/
@solarpowerspork FOR SCIENCE.
@girlvsplanet @jdragz @indiana_mama No engagement, yeah. You'd know. :)
@girlvsplanet No. Isha's been on a kick, since Amanda and I started dating, that she'll be my best man. @jdragz @indiana_mama
@jdragz @indiana_mama Nope, you're definitely both in the running for not being best man. ;) @MauriceBroaddus
@jdragz @indiana_mama Yeah, @MauriceBroaddus was there...
"It's impolite to ignore your best man." — @indiana_mama
Merry birthday, @Caryn_Levy!
@jdragz By the way, we're coming to visit. #timeywimey
@jdragz ...and maybe today.
@jdragz Yeah, we'll see you tomorrow.
@jdragz Sort of. Prestwick. Mom is driving though. Where are you?
You know you're getting old when fast food places don't carry an item any longer and "haven't for a while." #RIPChiliCheeseBurrito @tacobell
@michaelsayeth Except LOTR is good.
@ThatMissKitty Sweet! I thought I might miss you. I'm back on the 28th and @macleaney comes in the 31st.