@jeremiahrags WELCOME ABOARD.
@jennydjames I'm trying to get the venue pre-sale right now, but it keeps saying the coupon code is invalid. :/
@girlfrmmars Big “R”. How could I forget?? @laurentheanimal
I forgot to include the video extolling the virtues of Bellingham!
Moving on Left [updated]: http://gregorlove.com/2015/01/1194/
Making plans to see Sufjan in June . . . in Seattle. The move is sinking in more and more.
@laurentheanimal Su,
A good op-ed on American Sniper: http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/jan/06/real-american-sniper-hate-filled-killer-why-patriots-calling-hero-chris-kyle
@mikearchy emo_darth.gif :]
@LovelyAnomaly Here’s the Sufjan tour dates and pre-sale info: http://asthmatickitty.com/sufjan-stevens-to-tour-us/
On page 130 of 309 of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.
Left Behind: Nic Cage edition is now out.
::moves to top of Netflix queue:: cc @RelevantPodcast
On page 46 of 309 of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.
On page 0 of 309 of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.
@MsSwank She’s feeling/sounding better. The life vest is pretty uncomfortable so she’s not sleeping great.
@indiana_mama “Large cantaloupe or small dinosaur.”
@carl_corder https://youtu.be/ANT9WH0gKmQ
@carl_corder Their latest album, III, is pretty great.
@carl_corder One of the shows I promoted? Shiny Toy Guns? https://flic.kr/s/4Ypf No mohawks though, really.
@Brock Hey, Brock. As someone with a personal site, you might enjoy this little meetup we have going: https://indiewebcamp.com/events/2015-01-28-homebrew-website-club
Join us for Homebrew Website Club January 28! https://indiewebcamp.com/events/2015-01-28-homebrew-website-club https://www.facebook.com/events/424785507688451/424785514355117/ cc @pitchdesign @marihuertas @dentonjacobs