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@MsSwank Aw, I’m sorry. I didn’t know; just catching up on things. :(

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@MsSwank If you add me, we can compete. :]

I’m trying out @duolingo to learn Spanish. It’s free and pretty cool so far. Feel free to add me:

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@indiana_mama Ah. Try me, I might remember or be able to find something.

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@indiana_mama MS-DOS was the operating system on computers in yonder days, so a lot of games ran on it. Oregon Trail can be played online now, though.

Sent @macleaney home tonight. :/ Really glad she could be here through this crazy week, though.

Mom is coming home today! She will wear a defibrillator vest (“life vest”) as a precaution. Once she's healed up more, in a month or so, they will revisit whether to put in a pacemaker. I suspect they will and I think we would all feel better if she had one. She will be taking a potassium and magnesium supplement, and a blood thinner for the clot. I talked to her on the phone a bit ago and she seems to be doing great. She's more than ready to get home.

Thanks again for all the thoughts, prayers, and support.

Everyone should wish @macleaney a happy birthday today!

Mom is continuing to recover well. She walked about 30 feet again and sat up in a chair for several hours. The main thing that is a concern now is a small blood clot in her leg, which is likely from the initial surgery. There's been some differing opinions among the doctors whether they should put an IVC filter in to prevent the clot from (potentially) going to her heart and lungs, or whether they should just use blood thinners to break it up. The former involves surgery (and sedation), and mom is really, really hesitant to have surgery now after all she's been through. Most likely she'll be taking the blood thinner route; she will probably decide tomorrow morning.

Her heart function is in normal range and her heartbeat has been very regular, so the ablation surgery seems to have worked perfectly to fix her arrhythmia.

Summary: in the evening after mom's ablation surgery she was recovering well. She then unexpectedly had heart fibrillation. They performed CPR and the chest compression broke her sternum. They had to shock her to stop the fibrillation. Her heart fibrillated a second time and they had to shock her again. Her heart fibrillated a third time, but she came out of that naturally, which the doctor was very happy about. There was 30 minutes of resuscitation. She stabilized after that and has been doing well, but very tired and understandably has a lot of chest pain.

They don't really know what caused the fibrillation, though she did have really low potassium levels which can make such events worse. The doctor says her heart rate and everything there looks good, so the ablation surgery was successful. Now they're just monitoring different levels in her body (potassium, magnesium, hemoglobin) to make sure everything is OK. Her hemoglobin is low so they're going to do an echocardiogram tomorrow to make sure there is no internal bleeding.

She is conscious and talking, feeling a bit down understandably. We just keep encouraging her that she's doing much better and it will just take some time to heal. She knows many people are thinking and praying and appreciates that.

Please continue to keep her in your thoughts and prayers. I will keep posting if there is anything new.

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I just talked to Joe. The surgery is done and the doctors are pleased with how it went. Mom is awake and ate some dinner already. She will be spending the night and going home tomorrow. Thanks for the thoughts and prayers, everyone.

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@thursdayschild Haha, no cyborging today. How are you recovering, by the way? @girlfrmmars

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As of 1PM Eastern she was still in surgery, but doing well. It can take 4–6 hours, apparently, so may be a couple more hours.

My mom is having surgery tomorrow. She's having a cardiac ablation to fix a heart rhythm problem. She was expecting to have this surgery in February, but they called today and have an opening tomorrow, so she is going for it. Apparently it is a pretty routine surgery and she might even be home the same day. Thoughts and prayers are appreciated.

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.@dickwarts Gee, you make a real good point. Mr. Dick Warts troll.

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@MattBinder Bad for you, because of his poop on the floor?

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@eea Thanks!

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@ashedryden Disband all PD.

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