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Yuck. Try not to melt out there.

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♫ “Everybody’s working for the weekend”

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Just a heads up: we moved the Homebrew Website Club meetup this week to Panera Bread around the corner. There's more room and they're less busy.

Panera Bread, 2 N. Michigan Ave.

No, YOU got on a purple line train instead of a brown line train.


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@marcoarment I've been participating in @indiewebcamp and working towards better decentralized communication via #webmention.

Sad to hear of the passing of @chloeweil :( Only knew her online, but she seemed awesome.

::internet hugs::

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Congratulations! Here, have a webmention. :]

@marcymarcy Might want to talk to you in the near future about Homebrew Website Club meetups @ The Living Room.

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@dentonjacobs Awesome! Look forward to meeting you there.

“There's no such thing as normal; everybody's weird.”

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Welcome aboard!

Note to self: Watch Generation Like.

foreach ( hours_until_Portland )
	excitement = excitement * 2;
	productivity = productivity / 2;

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@girlvsplanet: I'm sure they'll play one or three hometown shows after that tour. :) Pretty sure they did with the Clarity anniversary tour.

Ann Coulter is still a thing?

Tickets acquired for Jimmy Eat World’s Futures 10 year anniversary tour!

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Yes! Looking forward to meeting everyone at IndieWebCamp 2014.

Joomla: We make WordPress look good.

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This is looking great! I'm leaving this comment on the same fragmention as Ryan just to see if anything blows up. :]