@girlvsplanet I don't remember.
@adactio What brings you to Chicago?
@girlvsplanet Alaska. It was amazing.
Hello again, Chicago. Hello again, bed.
“Is that like a mini Deadpool on your shirt?”
Poor guy didn't know who Strongbad is.
PSA: indiewebcamp.com is not that same as ind.ie
@marihuertas @pitchdesign @dentonjacobs Would having Homebrew Website Club later make it easier to attend? Thinking 7–8PM. Let me know!
Very provocative. :]
Test 3: auto-updating syndication link from brid.gy response. Third time's the charm.
Test 2: auto-updating syndication link from brid.gy response.
Test 1: auto-updating syndication link from brid.gy response
Eek. That sucks. We’ll see you once things settle down. :)
@jtfirewalker Nah, more like: disarming.
To protect the officer’s safety, police won’t yet name Brown’s murderer. I bet he’d be safe in a jail cell. #Ferguson
Gun control, but for the cops.
@girlvsplanet Aye, love them both.
Watching The Birdcage.
@girlvsplanet BECAUSE I LIVE HERE.
@girlvsplanet That was/is my reaction, too. @skirts
Sweet. And tots > totes.