Test 3: auto-updating syndication link from brid.gy response. Third time's the charm.
Test 2: auto-updating syndication link from brid.gy response.
Test 1: auto-updating syndication link from brid.gy response
Eek. That sucks. We’ll see you once things settle down. :)
@jtfirewalker Nah, more like: disarming.
To protect the officer’s safety, police won’t yet name Brown’s murderer. I bet he’d be safe in a jail cell. #Ferguson
Gun control, but for the cops.
@girlvsplanet Aye, love them both.
Watching The Birdcage.
@girlvsplanet BECAUSE I LIVE HERE.
@girlvsplanet That was/is my reaction, too. @skirts
Sweet. And tots > totes.
Testing cross-posting potatoes from my own site, without a link back. #indieweb
Testing cross-posting potatoes from my own site, with a link back. #indieweb
@potatothingz Are you getting the new Potatolands?
Writes a movie, then takes a screenwriting class.
Scene 1, Act 1
The door was propped open as he entered La Amistad.
“Three for outside, please.” he said.
Then, as he turned around to walk outside, the door decided to un-prop itself and attacked the side of his head.
Another day, another Nobel Peace Prize winner bombing a country.
Cardiologist appointment went well. I still have a heart!
Cool. Not a problem if you need to cut out early. :)