@pitchdesign Woo! @marcymarcy said if you didn't I should tell you she said "murr murr" or something. :]
@indiana_mama A whole CFA store, or a CFA sandwich? Important clarification. @MsSwank @jdragz
@indiana_mama OMG, please name your kid this. @MsSwank
@MsSwank @indiana_mama Not Penny's boat!
Aw, Charlie. :(
Got called “so dumb” on the bus today. It’s nice to be recognized for my work.
@jeremiahrags I just upgraded to this bad boy. http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i263/stuartcuss/Thornton%20Pickard%20Camera/IMG_2868.jpg @planetvoss
I might have some signs from my high school days. ;] Or maybe @planetvoss does.
Loving this thunderstorm.
I’ve seen more people complain about the ice bucket challenge complainers than I have seen ice bucket challenge complainers.
Join us for Homebrew Website Club next Wednesday! http://indiewebcamp.com/events/2014-08-27-homebrew-website-club https://www.facebook.com/events/716026638451334/ cc @pitchdesign @marihuertas @dentonjacobs
Coin seemed like a cool idea. Store up to 8 credit card numbers on a single card and switch between them with the click of a button. Last November I pre-ordered one for $50, which was supposed to be half the retail price. They indicated the card would ship in Summer 2014.
As Summer 2014 rolled on, there were no updates on the timeline — just a continued assurance they were on schedule to ship this summer. This was a bit concerning, but I held out hope. Recently they announced when the smartphone apps would be available: iOS on August 28th and Android on September 25th. This is when I became really frustrated. They have had my (and many others’) money for ten months and they could not develop the apps to be released at the same time?? This demonstrates poor project management and does not bode well for an app that users are entrusting with their credit card information. Will Android lag in important app updates as well?
Yesterday they started sending out the “Claim Your Coin” emails to start the process. However, that is when we also learned that the product is a beta and the final product will ship in Spring 2015. This is the first time there has been any mention that the product shipping this summer is a beta and not the final product. Further confusing matters, we have the choice of 1) getting the beta product and paying $30 more for the final product in the spring, or 2) skipping the beta and only getting the final product in the spring for no additional cost.
This is just awful. We paid for a final product that Coin, Inc. promised for Summer 2014. They sent monthly emails (typically promoting the referral program) and never mentioned a delay or that it was a beta product. I would be more forgiving if they had been up front about this, but at this point they have lost my trust.
Their Twitter timeline has a lot of people asking for refunds and, to their credit, it appears Coin is issuing them. I have emailed to cancel my pre-order and get a refund. If you want to do the same, email help@onlycoin.com with your pre-order number.
More information:
Tyler’s screenshot of the pay-to-beta vs. final product information
Better Business Bureau page for Coin, Inc.
Update 1
Coin, Inc. sent an apology email to backers. In part (emphasis in original):
We apologize for our lack of transparency and clarity in our communications to you. You, as our valuable backers, should have been the first to know about all product updates. We honestly thought we could make our timeline. We were overly optimistic. The San Francisco Bay Area Coin Beta made it evident that we should conduct a larger nationwide Coin Beta. We need your help with testing nationwide, but realize that this is not a cost for you to bear. Therefore, we will run a nationwide Coin Beta for no cost ($0) to Coin Beta Backers for the first generation Coin and increase the number of Coin Beta devices by 50% to 15,000. We’ll do our best to grow this number over time. To clarify, your spot in the Coin Beta program is determined by your pre-order date, regardless of whether you opt-in with the iOS or Android app. We feel responsible to the commitment each of you has given to us by backing Coin and so we haven’t spent even one dollar of the crowd funding campaign. All our efforts and production has been supported by equity dollars.
It is a decent apology overall, but I still don’t trust them and will proceed with my cancellation.
Our own sites. :) See indiewebcamp.com
@girlvsplanet I don't remember.
@adactio What brings you to Chicago?
@girlvsplanet Alaska. It was amazing.
Hello again, Chicago. Hello again, bed.
“Is that like a mini Deadpool on your shirt?”
Poor guy didn't know who Strongbad is.
PSA: indiewebcamp.com is not that same as ind.ie
@marihuertas @pitchdesign @dentonjacobs Would having Homebrew Website Club later make it easier to attend? Thinking 7–8PM. Let me know!
Very provocative. :]