gRegor Morrill gRegor Morrill on
Maybe don’t have an email subscription popover when I click the unsubscribe link in your email, B&H?

*whispers* Maybe don’t have popovers on your site at all.

screenshot of email subscription popover on

Maybe don’t have an email subscription popover when I click the unsubscribe link in your email, B&H?

Chris Aldrich Chris Aldrich on
Podcast discovery, Huffduffer, and listen feeds

I wonder if could be involved here somehow, too.

Taylor Elizabeth Rose (also known as Waldon/Waldo) Taylor Elizabeth Rose (also known as Waldon/Waldo) on
Ooooo!!! I was hoping this would happen eventually.

Hope you can make it!

Sheryl ??? Sheryl ??? on
No way is Damage better than Futures. I'm with you.

You’ll appreciate they had Bleed American higher, though. They had Clarity, Bleed American, Damage, Futures.

Roy Tang Roy Tang on
Indieweb Updates and Thoughts

Hello and welcome to the indieweb! I think there is a tendency to think of those two principles from a developer perspective, like they are telling people to learn how to write HTML and do all the nitty gritty stuff. That isn't the intention, though. We can always improve the documentation on the wiki and would love to have you involved in the conversation.

ок бумэр ок бумэр on
what is NaBloPoMo? opening the tag didn't clarify ?

National Blog Posting Month. The goal is to write a post each day in November.

Woo, 10 for 10 on #NaBloPoMo! It has been fun getting back into writing as well as finding other participants and reading them.

Jerome ? Jerome ? on
America wasnt perfect then but we’ve hit milestone after milestone to change (civil rights, woman’s suffrage, gay rights, etc). Thats what makes this country great. Our ability to change our laws based on societal changes/advancements

One societal change/advancement that we are discussing is what we should do about some people amassing obscene wealth while others go homeless. Framing this as “eyeing another man’s pocket” is disingenuous.

I’m attending Homebrew Website Club.

automatische antwort automatische antwort on
wld be great to meet you! and yes, absolutely, wld love to rope in the wonderful sdsu dh community!

Sorry this took me a whiiiile to get around to, but I set an initial meetup on December 11th. Would love to meet y'all and talk!

Chris Aldrich Chris Aldrich on
gRegor, I don’t think that it’s necessarily that it’s harder to make friends as an adult, so much as the world you live in during your youth makes things comparatively much easier...

Very good points. Moving a couple times since 2015 has not helped, either. I am pretty hopeful San Diego is a longer term destination for me. I remind myself that it takes time, and try to put myself out there more.

That's a hyperlink.

The hymen is an auditorium in Nashville.

Ben Werdmüller Ben Werdmüller on
The daily creativity prompts that help me spend time on myself

Where can I find your 2012 novel?

I’m attending Terminator Dark Fate with Dinner Beforehand on

gRegor Morrill gRegor Morrill on
Losing Steam?

The first draft — including the tada — came in at 277 characters. Only had to tweak it slightly to get 280 characters.

I’m attending IndieWeb Summit 2020!

I’m attending IndieWebCamp Austin 2020!