screenshot of Facebook News Feed with no posts

The Facebook News Feed looks pretty nice when you unfollow (not un-friend) posts from people and groups.

Jess-eh-lyn Jess-eh-lyn on
Trying to get her to watch tv like a normal kid but nooooo it’s all “let’s go outside”, “let’s run around”, let’s play” ?

Ugh, kids these days and their trees.

Want to read: Activist Theology by Robyn Henderson-Espinoza (ISBN 9781506424644)


@RELEVANTpodcast Are there any updates on the next steps being taken to address the leadership issues/work environment there? It's been quiet a bit too long. @RELEVANT @TylerHuckabee @jessecarey

Joe Crawford Joe Crawford on
I was playing on and found you that way. In short: yes!

Sounds good. What part of SD are you in? I'm in North Park.

@artlung Hi! I see you're a fellow indieweb enthusiast. We should meet up sometime. I was thinking about starting up a SD Homebrew Website Club meetup next year (maybe sooner).

@TylerHuckabee @prophiphop Nice work on today's @RELEVANTpodcast. Bring on the more woke content!

Science Mike Science Mike on
I walked outside with a tub of seed the other day and Goldfinches came flying from all directions and started singing. It felt special that these wild creatures recognized me.

Was there music? A-are you a Disney princess now?

Currently reading: Hidden Things by Doyce Testerman (ISBN 9780062108111)

Finished reading: My Squirrel Days by Ellie Kemper (ISBN 9781501163364)

Sorry, I can't make it to Homebrew Website Club SF

Want to read: Permanent Record by Edward Snowden (ISBN 9781250237231)

Ramesh Thiruchelvam ?? Ramesh Thiruchelvam ?? on
I follow somewhat the same order...

1. Make it Work.
2. Make it Better.
3. Make it Faster. (This is when I break it, and start over... ?)

This sounds like Daft Punk coding.

animation of the Daft Punk helmets with 'harder better faster stronger'

A perk of working remotely is that I can take off some time for a coffee date. I met a new lady from OKC this morning. It went pretty well! I usually overthink dating, but I'm trying to just relax and enjoy the process more, so we'll see!

aruthk aruthk on
They are all supposed to be true? Not like 2 truths, 1 lie....

Yeah, real facts; not presidential "facts."

Existential Tyler Existential Tyler on
I officially hit 100 pounds of weight loss tonight. Still a long way to go, but such a huge milestone!


Congratulations, that's awesome!

Three facts, Five people (tagged by @Skirts)
I. I like Roman numerals
II. I attended Cornerstone Music Festival 17 years in a row
III. I have a pacemaker

Tag: @indiana_mama @jdragz @sarah5 @alanaruthk @geno_boho