Kate Kaput Kate Kaput on twitter.com:
Important question: If you had a boat, what would you name it?

Ms. New Boaty

Currently reading: My Squirrel Days by Ellie Kemper (ISBN 9781501163364)

Review: The Alchemist

This fable is about discovering your dream (“Personal Legend”) and pursuing it to make it happen. There is a repeated line, “when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” This was way too Law of Attraction-y for me and I think it has some of the same dangerous corollaries, like victim-blaming people who are having difficulties in life. I am disappointed, though not surprised, that this book is so popular.

Finished reading: The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho (ISBN 9780062315007)

I'm trying out the Five Basic Exercises (5BX) plan based on @Hungry4Media's recommendation. 11 minutes a day is pretty appealing. http://fit450.com/HTML/5BX_Intro.html

Speaking of loneliness, the latest @TheLiturgists episode is timely. https://theliturgists.com/podcast/2019/7/25/dealing-with-loneliness-live-from-wild-goose

Me standing in front of a small picture of @infiniteelliott

I got a picture with this “life-size” photo of @infiniteelliott at the creators meetup he organized.

He premiered his new YouTube/IGTV show, @elliottandsergio. It should be out in the next week or so. It looks like it will be really good and I’m not just saying that because I may have a small clip in it. He’s a talented creator and it’s cool to see the things he’s doing already, just barely out of high school.

mx. mel mx. mel on twitter.com:
Fun fact: I would be rejected full membership from 99% of Christian-identified churches in America simply for loving who I want and not lying about it.

Also fun fact: I don’t give a shit, watch me reclaim my space and make Bible sex puns while I’m at it ??

Came for the affirming church, stayed for the puns.

In reply to: https://twitter.com/jdragz/status/1157080236758110208

I am looking forward to seeing y'all too. Thanks for the reminder. I know in my mind these feelings will pass but in the moment it can be oof.

I've been feeling lonely and depressed for a while. Now I'm on a tight deadline for a stressful work project that I 100% feel is pointless (even for the client's stated goals). It all feels demoralizing. Like, what is good lately?

I’m attending Git Data Structure Design on

Finished reading: The Gospel of Inclusion by Brandan J Robertson (ISBN 9781532676093)

Not sure about this new Fast and the Furious movie.


Amanda Fucking Palmer Amanda Fucking Palmer on twitter.com:
um. @neilhimself is saying this isn’t a mullet. i am like, this is a fucking mullet. back me up here people. also, oh my god.

It's a fucking mullet.

John Kane John Kane on twitter.com:
These are a Doctor Who villain


Currently reading: The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho (ISBN 9780062315007)

Want to read: The Reckonings: Essays by Lacy M Johnson (ISBN 9781501159008)

@atmlutter It was great meeting you this weekend! I didn't realize until last night that you were from Toronto. Maybe you and @jackjamieson could start up a Toronto #indieweb meetup? :)