I’m attending

We found a Science Mike after the Gungor show last night!
These lovely people are new friends from the Liturgists Singles group. @mikemchargue and @michaelgungor host The Liturgists podcast. Michael is also in the band Gungor, as his name suggests. So members of our group from around the country have been respectfully stalking — er, “sharing breath with” — the band on this final tour. Last night was their finale show in LA. It was fantastic; a moving and spiritual experience.
Want to read: Being Numerous: Essays on Non-Fascist Life by (ISBN 9781788734592)
About to see Avengers! If this gets resolved by Cap and Thanos realizing their moms are both named Martha, so help me...
Chris Aldrich mentioned it was his #indieweb anniversary today, which made me wonder when I first encountered indieweb. Turns out it was six years ago! I remember being excited about the idea of federated comments. I had no idea I would be getting involved with the community for years to come, though. In that time, I've organized some meetups, traveled to several IndieWebCamps, and even co-organized an IndieWebCamp. I've met a lot of great people through it all and have had a lot of fun. I've made some good improvements to my site and learned things that have helped my professional web work, too.
You should join us! Check out indieweb.org, say hello in the chat, and join us at the IndieWeb Summit this June in Portland.
Want to read: The Divide: A Brief Guide to Global Inequality and its Solutions by (ISBN 9781785151125)
Here is a javascript bookmarklet that will save the current page to the Internet Archive. This opens a new window so you can continue browsing while it's being archived.
Drag this link to your browser's bookmarks: Internet Archive This!
Here's the code for the bookmarklet if you prefer to copy/paste/tweak it:
What's the recommended report category for these? "Targeted harassment" or "Directs hate against a protected category"?
@cameronstrang I don’t think you meant it this way, but “porcelain doll” is a racist stereotype of Asian women so should probably be avoided (this was in Relevant #699).
Want to read: The Gospel of Inclusion by (ISBN 9781532676093)
"What... is your favorite collusion?"
Currently reading: The Most Beautiful Thing I’ve Seen: Opening Your Eyes to Wonder by (ISBN 9780310350439)
Finished reading: An Absolutely Remarkable Thing by (ISBN 9781524743451)
For curating more tweet URLs, maybe it would be a good idea to put them in a pastebin or similar?
It's a bit of a pain to copy the permalink, take off the "http://web.archive.org ..." part at the beginning, but then you have the tweet permalinks. I'm going through and reporting now. Several appear offline already, which is great.
Here's an Internet Archive capture from yesterday: http://web.archive.org/web/20190415223107/https://twitter.com/i/moments/1117202995962212352
I’m attending
I had a really good phone call with my long-time friend Alan last night. It made me appreciate having people you can be vulnerable with and how that can improve my mood. That also reminded me I should really start talking to a therapist.