I’m attending IndieWeb Summit 2019!

Want to read: This: Becoming Free by Michael Gungor (ISBN 9781944903619)

Achievement unlocked: day trip to Mexico. Had some good fish, shrimp, and lobster in Puerto Nuevo. And a shot of some good tequila courtesy of Hector the Connector

David Millar - @dave@puz.fun David Millar - @dave@puz.fun on twitter.com:

Why does gRegor hate my birthday? ?

Ha! I only said that because it's no longer National Doughnut Day. But now that I know it's your birthday, it's not so bad.

@Hungry4Media @LovelyAnomaly @Rachelskirts @nicktabick Spaaaaaace https://xkcd.com/2124/

Tyler Further Faster Tyler Further Faster on twitter.com:
desiring god’s review of Captain Marvel is about what you’d expect.

Sounds more like a review of toxic masculinity.

@jgmac1106 Who was it you wanted to connect me with about a possible IndieWebCamp San Diego?

I’ve been on a kick of rediscovering music I haven’t listened to in quite a while. Currently, Freezepop, “Less Talk More Rokk” https://youtu.be/WcAFkYUnSjg cc @jdragz

Want to read: All Systems Red (The Murderbot Diaries) by Martha Wells (ISBN 9780765397539)

Hey folx, if you are interested in working on your personal website or getting one set up for the first time, you should join us for IndieWebCamp Online, March 8–10! It's free and a great community that I'm proud to be part of: https://indieweb.org/2019/Online

Currently reading: An Absolutely Remarkable Thing by Hank Green (ISBN 9781524743451)

Finished reading: Bitten By a Camel by Kent Dobson (ISBN 9781506417745)

@RELEVANTpodcast #EQOTW My goto pick-me-up would be almost any Homestar Runner video, but I particularly love the sbemail "Kid's Book," which has a line I use in my bio: "Gregor is a weird name" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bT4SGdq0ZyU

"No two people are not on fire. Awww."

Happy birthday, @indiana_mama! Since you’re sharing a birthday with a lemur, here are some true facts about them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJA3dYwIB3s

I’m attending IndieWebCamp Online 2019!

In reply to: https://twitter.com/indiana_mama/status/1100033677688557573

I think we're such good friends because we're both so humble.

David Mead David Mead on davidjohnmead.com:
Catching up with the streams from #IndieWebCamp #Austin. Nice presentation by @gRegorLove & @dshanske about #microformats and h-cards.

Thanks! Let us know if you have any questions.

My IndieWebCamp Austin Demo

My two projects for today's IndieWebCamp Austin were 1) write stuff and 2) mock up a CSS Grid photo gallery. I want to use my site to, you know, actually write stuff more often. I have a couple posts in progress and I thought having several hours today would be a good opportunity. One of those posts is about my recent trip to Israel. I intend to publish a bunch of photos at the same time, so I wanted to work on adding photo galleries to my site.

I ended up spending most of the day on the CSS Grid photo gallery, but I am quite pleased with the result. I did finish in enough time to write this post, so technically I succeeded on both projects!

The photo gallery is responsive and I can change how many rows/columns in the grid an individual photo takes up by changing a class name. At lower resolution, it uses 2 grid columns. At higher resolutions, it uses 4 grid columns. IE11 does not support CSS Grid but does support Flexbox, so my next step will be to add some Flexbox fallbacks.

Props to Michelle Barker for this great article which helped me a lot in setting up an aspect ratio CSS Grid.