Good morning from Netanya, Israel on the Mediterranean.
Currently reading: Artemis by (ISBN 9780553448146)
I'm heading to Israel today! It's been far too long since I've traveled internationally (like, the '90s). @KentDobson is leading a tour group and I'm pretty excited, this dang head cold aside.
Thankfully no, but I believe it. There were a lot of people there.

It’s been a minute. Hello and happy Christmas.
Hahah #creeper
I know. I’m just tired. Oof.
Maybe. It wasn't a bad breakup, just some other factors made us take a step back. It felt like there's still a chance for something really good there. Guess not.
Welp, door closed on getting back together with my ex. That sucks. :(
Want to watch: I Survived “I Kissed Dating Goodbye”
Want to watch: The Heretic
One of my favorite albums from my youth is now on streaming. Steve Taylor, Squint:
Want to watch: Chicago: A Land of Wilderness and Oasis
This album is *so good*. Life-giving. Get on it. https://open.spotify.com/album/4Q2g4d99lyPAMXELy34sPI?si=SDIoJaCtQfqiD9gtb6IOog
This is so good! Life-giving. Congratulations and thank you for making it.
It was great. Thank you for sharing it!
Want to read: The Enneagram: A Christian Perspective by (ISBN 9780824519506)
I've been listening to @TheLiturgists for a while and loving it, so I'm looking forward to the Liturgists Gathering this weekend.
Want to read: Artemis by (ISBN 9780553448146)