I’m attending “
Awesome! See you there.
Sorry to hear that. Depression is a bitch and also a liar.
@davemillar Hey, David, are you still planning on coming to IndieWebCamp Austin? Would be great to see you there! https://2019.indieweb.org/austin
Amanda’s Thai Peanut
- 4 oz package fettuccine noodles
- 1.5 cups of broccoli in bite-size pieces
- 0.5 carrot, grated
- 2 teaspoons minced garlic
- 0.5 teaspoon red pepper flakes
- 0.5 teaspoon ground ginger
- 1 tablespoon brown sugar
- 4 tablespoons low sodium soy sauce
- 3.5 tablespoons rice wine vinegar
- 4 tablespoons peanut butter
In a large pot, cook fettuccine as directed. Towards the end of the pasta cooking, add the broccoli into the pot to cook for approximately 3–4 minutes.
In a greased large saucepan, heat garlic on medium-high heat for 2 minutes.
Add red pepper flakes, ginger, and brown sugar into the saucepan. Allow to cook another 2 minutes.
Add soy sauce, rice wine vinegar, and peanut butter to the saucepan. Use a spaghetti spoon or whisk to mix in the peanut butter to the liquid to form a sauce.
When the sauce begins to bubble, add the cooked pasta/broccoli to the saucepan. Mix well. Add the carrot. Mix well to prevent clumps.
@anniefdowns I feel like the Relevant podcast guys went extra hard on you this past Tuesday. Maybe it was all good fun, but wanted to tell you I appreciate your slices and your voice on the show! #downwiththeslicesczar
Currently reading: Bitten By a Camel by (ISBN 9781506417745)
This is very relatable. Negative self-talk can be so difficult to overcome. Have you read any Brene Brown? I recently finished her book Daring Greatly and recommend it.
Finished reading: Artemis by (ISBN 9780553448146)
Review: Artemis
This was a decent heist-on-the-moon story, but I didn’t love most of the characters, unfortunately. I appreciate the effort to make the protagonist more diverse — a Muslim woman in her twenties — but she still came across to me as clearly written by a dude. She makes a lot of jokes you would expect from a junior high boy, so she didn’t seem very authentic. For example, describing drinking water while in a space suit:
I turned my head inside the helmet, bit a nipple (try not to get excited), and sucked some water out.
There were a lot of little jokes and commentaries delivered in this awkward, parenthetical way, like she’s abruptly addressing the reader directly. That took me out of the story at times.

Celebrated this cool lady’s birthday tonight and briefly stole her shades. Happy birthday, @starwalker5!
Milk of Abraham
I’m attending “
I love this part of the NWS flood warning telling you not to drive through flooded roadways: “Turn around...Don’t drown.”

I was the tits for about 15 minutes tonight at a white elephant gift exchange when I got this amazing ornament. Then someone stole it from me. That’s okay, I know I’m still the tits.
Check out @ra.makes profile, which has a link to her Etsy shop so you can buy your own.
I’m attending
!I want to read 24 books in 2019.
Want to watch: Liberating Fire
Made it home from Israel. Time for all the sleeps.