
Oh you know, just a rollerblader on a four-lane road, turning left directly beside a cop. At least he had a helmet and pads on, but what.
More like roader-blader.

Re-upping this. I originally made it in 2013, but seems like it’s always relevant.

Throwback to June 1998 at Creation Festival East. This is where I first met Jeeves (on the left in the yellow glasses). Katt was one of my earliest online friends and this was the first time we met in person. I wore fun hats at the time. As you can see, we were all pretty cool.
I was interning at Teen Mania Ministries at the time and in lieu of going on a mission trip that summer, Matt (in the white shirt) and I road tripped to a few music festivals to promote Acquire The Fire events. Jeeves was considering the internship and I think meeting us helped convince him. Sorry? 🤣
I also hit it off really well with Luke (in the red shirt). We ran into him at a couple of the festivals we went to. I think he was in a band named Little Flock. Unfortunately, I lost track of him in the following years.
Original photo by Jeeves

Bula? Bula? Bula? Bula?

Sunset at Mission Beach. San Diego is alright.

Happy Christmas from the beach! I made the difficult, last-minute decision not to travel this holiday due to the high COVID transmission levels currently (see Decided to make the best of the day with some beach time, though!
1. My mug at the beach 😎
2. I met a guy who had set up this rainbow-colored Christmas tree. He said it had sort of become a tradition since the pandemic. Love it!
3. Others enjoying the lovely day
4. After walking for a while, I sat down to write and read some. This seagull pal (seapal?) chilled about 10 feet from me for a while.
I know this is a difficult time for a lot of people. I hope you got to experience some moments of joy today, though. 💛

1. San Diego can have little a fall, as a treat.
2. They took an hour from us but at least I can still enjoy this.

Throwback to 2007-04-28 at Radio Radio for the Wolfy, Cabin, and Little Voice show with Isha and Allison. I think this is one of my first pictures with Isha. This was only a couple weeks before my heart incident too. Whoa.
We were so young. I miss going to shows with Indianapolis friends.
Original photos by Allison

Throwback to 2008-08-03. Oddfellows, indeed. Left to right: me, Greg, Alex, and Ian.
Original photo by ishkid

Looking forward to seeing Barbie this weekend. Poll: should I wear the pink(ish) or the blue? I know pink is usually a guy color but maybe we can reclaim blue?

I was at my cardiologist today for a routine check-up and did not see a single person masked. I saw three nurses/staff behind the desk and four patients in the waiting area. The other patients all appeared to be ages 60+. Neither of the people who saw me in the patient room were masked. Again, this was in a cardiologist’s office at the hospital.
If I look exhausted, it’s because I am. I feel so alone.
We should not have to worry about getting COVID while receiving healthcare and workers should not have to fear contracting it at work. We know that COVID is airborne, people can be infectious without showing symptoms, and two-way masking is effective at reducing its spread.
The People’s CDC has some great resources and action materials. Check out their website, specifically “Keep Healthcare Safe” under the “Actions” menu. You can contact your governor, county health officials, and healthcare executives to tell them they should make masking the new infection control standard for healthcare.
In the meantime, please continue masking indoors and in crowded outdoor spaces. This is an act of love and reciprocal care. We are interdependent and there is no individualizing of risk during these times.
Art credit: @schmutzparty on Twitter who said to “take, share, and distribute widely.” A high resolution version is also available.

While we lose more tools for tracking #COVID transmission levels, I found that HHS is still publishing hospital capacities weekly. Here’s a screenshot of SoCal data from today.
So many over 90% full and the vast majority over 60% full.
this is fine

Foggy downtown

I usually tend to take selfies right after getting a haircut. I realized I hadn’t posted my face on here in a while, so here you go.

There was some strong bisexual lighting at the Silversun Pickups concert last fall.

Moulin Rouge is one of my favorite movies and the musical was so good! I loved how they included newer (and some older) songs in the mashups to keep it fresh. Great performances all around and the set was spectacular. I highly recommend it if you get a chance to see it! Give the cast recording a listen, too.

Looking for the bright side. Gold medallion trees in bloom.

2. They really let anyone drive in California

3. Somehow I carpool

Pandemic chic from April 2021. Sunglasses borrowed from Laurie.

This is XLIII.
Ok, a minor cheat. This is from like two weeks ago, but I liked it.I’ve been at Mommer’s for the holiday and we’ve been going through some photos. I haven’t seen some of these in 20+ years, so I thought it would be fun to share gRegor through the years:

2. In case you were wondering if I was just as cool back in high school ... yes.
This was one of my high school senior photos.

3. Everybody wants to (evangelize) the world.
An outtake from my senior photos that didn’t make the cut for some reason, hahaha. I was really zealous about Christian short-term mission trips back then.

4. Young Greg (I didn’t even use an -or back then) with our Pomeranian, Teddy Bear.

5. I’m bébé. Mommer tells me I was enjoying blueberries.