My sleep schedule has been, uhh, erratic and poor for a while. Last week was particularly exhausting, but I started to reset over the weekend.

Small wins this week: I’ve been in bed reading (not on my phone!) by 11pm the last two nights. Feels good!

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Hey #SanDiego, We All We Got has a fancy new volunteer page if you want to sign up to help with #MutualAid grocery distribution every 2nd and 4th Saturday:

Our next distribution is May 27 at Azalea Park (corner of Poplar & Violet).

Consider signing up if you have the capacity and please boost!

Want to read: Let This Radicalize You: Organizing and the Revolution of Reciprocal Care by Kelly Hayes & Mariame Kaba (ISBN 9781642598278)

via Haymarket Books

Bookmarked: The government giving up on COVID protections means throwing immunocompromised people to the wolves

"Return to normal" frames indifference to suffering as a morally neutral position and public health as a matter of personal preference. But there is no neutrality in the individual actions that comprise public health; they either cause harm or prevent it. Segregating the "unfit" from the "fit" is not a matter of debate. It is an abomination and a core tenet of eugenics.

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Yeah :/ I promise I’m trying to post more than just COVID stuff but it’s really been bumming me out recently.

screenshot of hospital bed occupancy in Southern California

While we lose more tools for tracking #COVID transmission levels, I found that HHS is still publishing hospital capacities weekly. Here’s a screenshot of SoCal data from today.

So many over 90% full and the vast majority over 60% full.

this is fine


Bookmarked: COVID-19 Hospital Capacity in San Diego County and Surrounding Area

Weekly data from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. You can select the state and county from the dropdown to find information about your area.

Watching the ME (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis) Action Network’s press conference:

#MillionsMissing 2023 will demand bold, urgent governmental action for the millions of people living with myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), Long COVID, and other infection-associated, complex- chronic diseases.”

Listened to The COVID Tracking Project Part 1 on the Reveal podcast.

Pretty good first episode (of three in the series). It’s easy to forget how poor the initial US response to COVID was, but also nice to remember the solidarity of people stepping up to try to fill the gaps.

I am definitely feeling some anger and hopelessness with the end of the US public health emergency today. Capitalism steamrolls on, crushing us with messages (misinformation) about “individual risk” — as if your choices have no impact on anyone else during the ongoing pandemic.

COVID is causing long-term issues in 10-20% of infected people (source) even if they had mild symptoms during the infection. Infected people can spread it before they show symptoms or may never show symptoms.

Please #WearAMask indoors and in crowded outdoor spaces. If you have stopped masking (I get it!), it’s never too late to start again.

One of our community members needs financial assistance in their process of becoming a US citizen. Any donation amount helps as well as reposting the request! #MutualAid

Read more on the GoFundMe

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Ouch! Five in two years? Convincing me to stay on the beach, haha.

Hey #SanDiego, We All We Got needs volunteers for our #MutualAid food distribution every 2nd and 4th Saturday. We need volunteers to buy dry food during the week, pack food into bags, deliver the food, and also to hand out the food at the park. Solidarity, not charity!

Visit or call (619) 800-4473 to sign up!

I decided to show a little love to my venue pages after reading Tantek’s post about venues and reviews.

As part of keeping track of the events I attend, I create a venue page and link the event to it. The venue page previously would only show the name, address, and link. I updated it to also show a list of past events so it’s easier to see at a glance and navigate between them.

Example: Soda Bar, San Diego, CA

#MusicMonday: Have you heard the bop of the summer yet? I love that “If I Were a Fish” came from processing emotions and writing a quick song filled with so much joy:

“I was having a very emotional day, feeling insecure and out of place. So I cried to Olivia and after feeling through it, we wrote this song in 10 minutes to remember the joy in being different”

Full version is out now

Reposted Jen Simmons:

It’s very, very strange to be surrounded by people everywhere slowly signing up for fascism. Especially when they think of themselves as “normal”, liberal / progressive… the good people. And yet, they’ve fallen for propaganda. Slowly agreed to value tiny personal convenience over everyone else’s basic human rights. They’ve jettisoned reality. Rejected science and facts. Bought into extreme selfishness. They proudly post photos of themselves causing harm. And push others to do the same. W.T.F.

#MusicMonday: This robots vs. music video of Nigel Stanford’s song “Automatica” blew me away. brb, listening to all of his other music.


Listen to the album