I swear I’m witnessing the cognitive decline from people getting repeatedly sick. There’s an increase in repeated work email questions that were answered very recently in the same thread.
Love this! I had no idea about the legends and hadn't really thought about how the Navy might have been opposed to the bridge. Fascinating.

Bula? Bula? Bula? Bula?
🤣 apparently I *was* tired
I came across the anarchist folk-punk band Sister Wife Sex Strike from a video of their unauthorized album release show in a Starbucks. Listening to their new EP now, pre-op:
Kill the locals, oppress the masses
Divide them into races and classes
Then sell progress back to them
The story of the band name is amazing:
The band's name is inspired by real life events: in 2021, Pigeon & Moth were sharing a lover and when they found themselves mutually dissatisfied by his efforts, they went on a sex strike to have their demands met.
I rewatched SpaceCamp, a movie I loved growing up. Cheesy premise but still fun, even if mostly for nostalgia. Oh, and the robot, Jinx! I wonder if Joe has one in his bot collection.
I had no idea that the young boy was Joaquin Phoenix and that he was going by Leaf at the time. The full movie is currently free on YouTube.
Is this a test/am I just tired, or is that the same URL twice? 🤣
😍 Ooh. I'm not familiar with this brand. How are their pens in your experience? I have a CW&T Pen Type-B and have mixed opinions on it.
Personally, I appreciate your commentary on it. It’s good to nudge things forward and we techy people sometimes need a reality check like “wtf is this thing? I just want to write a post.”
It’s Long COVID Awareness Day. An estimated 65 million people suffer from it globally. Remember that the risk of long-term health issues in multiple organs increases after each infection, even if your symptoms were mild.
Every COVID Infection Increases Your Risk of Long COVID, Study Warns
Watched Clara (2018) and enjoyed it overall. It’s a slow build but pretty good science fiction, especially for a first-time writer/director.
Ah, I see the h-entry is on the body element so it wraps both of them. I'm not sure what's easiest, but you could remove the h-card from your name at the top of each post and rely on the footer h-card.
Or you could move the h-entry to an element that only wraps the post content. That would require either making the h-card at the top of the post more complete or linking to a dedicated page like the homepage for author information. More details on that option.
I see two h-cards in the author property when I parse this post. The first one only has name and URL; the second one is more complete, including photo. I think most software will use the first one it finds.
Want to read: How Ableism Fuels Racism: Dismantling the Hierarchy of Bodies in the Church by (ISBN 9781587436123)
via Stephanie Tait
A good intro video about mutual aid: youtube.com/watch?v=rYPgTZeF5Z0
Charity affirms the existing distribution of wealth and life chances. Mutual aid challenges it. Charity is top-down. Mutual aid is horizontal. Charity is about control, hierarchy, and isolation. Mutual aid is about solidarity, liberation, and participation.
Wocka, wocka! Here’s a cool guestbook sign-in for a cool dude.
oh... FoNzie
Nope, only the posts I manually trigger. I think if you wanted to post to this Mastodon account, you would use Bridgy Classic, which has an interactive form: you put in the URL of your post, it fetches the microformats from your post, then it cross-posts (not federates) the post. Bridgy Fed is actual federation, where my website is my AP identity — I don't have a Mastodon account.
It's definitely a bit more manual of a process and if you enjoy the Mastodon app experience now, it might be a downgrade in that regard. Happy to talk about it more in indieweb dev channel.
AP supports some set of HTML in posts. I'm using Bridgy Fed to federate my posts directly from my site, so it sends those inline links. There's some elements Mastodon doesn't support, but it usually just strips them and the plain text still works well: https://docs.joinmastodon.org/spec/activitypub/#sanitization
The recent Vice layoffs where emoji reactions were enabled and they stopped due to the flood of thumbs-down. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/vice-execs-abruptly-lay-off-221022407.html